"What is it?" I asked as I carefully put away my sticks. The burst of air nearly put out the fire, my parents both ran towards the door, racing against time and temperature in order to close it! When the dust finally settled, my older brother was standing there with a look on his face I had never seen before: excitement.

Suddenly, the outer door flies open, the freezing air rushing in! What little moisture was in the air immediately froze and fell to the floor as rime. I was sitting happily, or so I thought, playing with some sticks on the ground, the national pastime. That was all we ate back then in the before times. The fire was roaring in the living room, and we had just had our daily meal of lutefisk. It was a biting cold winter night in the year of our lord, 2004.

This entry was contributed by Gisle Sølvberg, Programmer and Game Designer at Perfectly Paranormal, which is currently developing narrative adventure puzzle game Helheim Hassle.

Why I Love is a series of guest editorials on intended to showcase the ways in which game developers appreciate each other's work.